Monday, 23 April 2018

CTS - Automation Interview Questions - 2 plus

April 2018

1. Explain ur framework
2. Difrance betwen interface nd abstract
3. Write program to print a pyramid
4. Weite selenium script to login
5. What is assert
6. Asert vs verify
7. Iframe
8. Switch between frame

May  2018

1. What is string? Write code to reverse the string as mentioned in the output?
Given String: Selenium Web driver is open source tool

Output String: tool source open is Web driver Selenium

2. Write code to print the given pattern?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4
1 2 3
1 2

3. Write code to print


4. Why string is immutable in nature?

5. What is the difference between Final, Finally & Finalize?

6. Write a code to print the missing numbers between five inputs provided by user at run time using scanner class?
Example: With the help of Scanner class, we have to take five inputs(u can take any random number) Like: 5, 45, 50, 52, 91
Now you have to print the missing numbers between all the numbers. Like 6 to 44 than 46 to 49 than 51 than 53 to 90.
But if user entered the number not in any order Like: 5, 2, 98, 50, 16
so first you have to sort it in some order & than print the missing numbers

7. What is the difference between array & array list?

8. What is the difference between hash map & linked hash map?

9. What is the difference between String, String buffer & String Builder?

10. What is the difference between interface, class & abstract class?

11. Can interface have concrete class?

12. What is Checked & Unchecked exception?

13. How to handle checked exception?

Selenium Questions:
1. How to launch browsers(IE,  chrome & Mozilla). write code?

2. Write code to establish JDBC connection?

3.  How to read .txt file? Write code?

4. How to read property file & excel file? Write code?

5. What is testNg framework? what are the features of testNg framework?

6. What is the listener in testNg? List out those listeners which you used in your company?

7. Write code to take screenshot?

8. How to perform parameterization?

9. Explain your last company project framework?

10. What is Page Object Model(POM)? what is advantage and disadvantage of POM?

11. What is Page factory? How to create object of class using page Factory class, Write code?

12. What is Alert, frame in selenium web driver? Write code?

13. How to refresh the web page?

14. What is the difference between get() & navigate().to() method?

15. What is Maven?

16. What is dependencies in Maven? Tags in POM.xml file for adding dependencies?

17. What is repository in Maven? Types?

18. What is Cucumber framework?

19. What is feature file & step definition in cucumber?

20. What is tags & hooks in cucumber?

21. What are the keywords used in feature file? What is the use of keyword "background" in feature file?

22. How to run test case for multiple data in cucumber? how to pass multiple data for a test case in step definition?

23. How to run test cases for more than one tag name in cucumber?

Manual Questions:
1. Difference between regression & retesting?

2. If you have 500 test cases to execute. and in a week, you can execute only 100 test cases. And you have only 3 weeks to execute all the test cases. and all are critical in nature. So what will be approach?

3. What is agile ?

General Question:
1. Introduce yourself?

Cognizant interview questions

May 2018

1. What is static used for?

2. Write a method to print hello and call it from main method?

3. Write a program to print values of an array using any loop?

4. What is the difference between FOR and FOR each loop?

5. What is difference between static and instance variable?

6. What is function overloading?Can we overload a main method?

7. What does public and void mean in public static void main()?

8. Why do we write string[]args in main method?

9. Can we keep any name instead of args?

10. Can we write [] in front like  []a?

11. What will be the output of FOR loop
For(sopln"welcome"; sopln"to";sopln"java")?

12. What is string class? Why is string called inmutable?

13. What is string buffer class?

14. Write code to read data from excel?

15. What is the difference between find elements and find element?

16. Will findelements throw an error when the element is not found?

17. What is explicit wait?

18. What is fluent wait?

19. Different explicit wait conditions in selenium?

20. Can we write our own conditions for explicit wait??

21. What is the difference between smoke and sanity testing?

22. What is kanben?

23. Which agile methodology do you use?

24. Who is the one who leads the agile team?

25. What is the difference between product backlog and sprint backlog?

26. What does product owner and scrum master do?

27. What are webservices testing?

28. Which testing have you performed?

29. Soap and ui testing?

30. Different types of https code?

31. What does 1 series stand for similarly 2,3 and 4 series in https code stand for?

32. Write a program for factorial?

33. Write a program to find prime no. Or not?

34. All string related programs are asked?

35. What is the difference between smoke and sanity testing?

36. What is regression testing?

37. What is exploratory testing?

38. What have you used JIRA for only logging defects or others tasks to have u performed?

39. Explain the framework you have used?

40. What is your role in this framework explain it in detail?

41. Whats is build.xml?

42. What is port no. We use and why is it used?

43. Appium related queries?

44. Testng related questions

45. Dataproviders?

46. 3 Scenarios are given we need to write code to automate it?

47. Where did u use collection in ur project?

48. Where did u use hashmap in ur project?

49. Where did u use multi threading in ur project?

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