Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Aspire - Automation Interview Questions - 2 plus experience

1. What are the activities you are doing in your project?

2. Which frame work you are using?

3. Tell me about the traceability matrix?

4. SOAP UI - Could a output response obtained from one XML can be used as input for invoking other XML?

5. Write test cases for a scenario - eg.entering address

6. Framework - type/flow/structure?

7. Relative xpath - 3 nodes with same id value , 3rd node having additional character "xyz" - how to find relative xpath for the 3rd node?

8. SQL - Inner join related query

9. Structure of the framework?

10. Where to keep your script files?

11. What approach you are using for selenium ?

12. Can we do file upload through selenium?

13. Can we able to locate excel file in a system through selenium?


13. What is test plan & test strategy?


                Tomorrow your project delivery.Today your onsite co-ordinator saying that you missed one functionality?Then what will be your reply to him and your manager?

                Write a program to reverse a number(eg. 1234 to 4321) without using modulus operator

                From the below diagram find the sum greater value of the side and print that


14.How will you get the data from Excel & Write a code for it

15. If I click a button, a text button will be populated with a value

get the value and check the format is valid or not


16. In a paragraph, I have to extract the following things

                Get only numbers

                Get only alphabets

                Get only alpha-numerics

                Get only spaces

                Get only special characters


17. How Selenium grid is works


18. I have a string "CZ1234ABC45"

                For example in for loop : for (i=1; i<=n; i++)

                In the above for loop, instead of 1 (one) for variable "i", we need assign the above string

                And it has to increment based on "i++"

                Write a logic for this.


19.I have a float value 12345.4566

   I want to extract only 4566 (ie., the value after dot)


20. What are the activities you are doing in your project?

21. Which frame work you are using?

22. Tell me about the traceability matrix?

23. Develop one << Framework >> for registration page and Explain.

24. Write Code: Consider you have one webpage contains nearly 100 fields, how to get all the field values in single line.

25. Write Code: How to find all the web elements [like radio button, check boxes, tet areas, etc..] in a page by single line of code.

26. Write Code: Consider Irctc From station field, type only 3 characters, in the displayed dropdown view find the first option.

27. If your application performance is very slow. what you will do

28. What is explicit wait. Why thread.sleep

29. Consider if your application having same ids for all elements, what you will do.

30. You have 100 textcases in excel. but client want you to execute only 60 tc's. what you will do. Which tc's you choose from excel

31. Challenges faced in selenium

32. Write Code:  n=1238975. Find the biggest integer value in 'N'. [o/p : 9]

33. Write Code: n=16845. O/p will be "n=14568". It should be integer value, It should be in ascending form.

34. Write NCode - For Number and Start Pattern Program


35. X ="Good Looking"[User input].

    Have to find unique characters cout. Should not any duplicate.

    For Ex. g - 2; o - 4; d - 1; l - 1; k - 1; i - 1; n-1. [Have to print like this]


36. Write a code to Reverse a String. Without using any builtin functions like reverse(), charAt()

37. Consider one div having 100 spans with unique texts. How to find expected text using Xpath.

38. Write code : Need to capture screenshot of the whole page. Need to scroll the page till end.

39. Write Code: Find the repeated words in a given string.

40. Write Code: Get values from Ui and compare expected values with from any database.

41. Write Code: Identify and form a string with unique characters. Ex. X=Good Looking. o/p = godlkin.

42. Write a program to validate the credit card number having the following pattern:[2312] [932E] [12AB]

43. What is continuous Integration? Tell something about it

44. What is the version tool you used in your project?


45. Scenario  question:

    There are three pages 1.Create customer, 2.Edit Customer and 3.Delete customer

    Create customer -> Create the customer and output will be 5 field values

    Edit customers ->  Get search results , edit and output will be 5 updated field values

    Delete Customer -> Delete customer (get search results and Delete )


                How will you test these three pages?

    How will you get and where will you store the dynamically changing 5 fields

    How will you make sure you run one after the other ( first 'create customer' and then 'edit customer' then 'delete customer')


46. What is the Element Identifier tool you are using?

47. Your application  supports only IE then how will  you identify the objects?


48. Are you there in your project from the beginning or you joined  later?

49. How did you perform POC? (proof of concept)

50. There are 100 Test cases and  you want to run only 10 selective Test cases for regression how will you do that?

    continuation  of above question no.10, One test case I have to run as part of Regression and the same test case

    should not run as part of Smoke Testing.

                Both Regression and Smoke should run simultaneously. How will you do that?


51. What is the use of Maven? Why do you want it ?

52. What are the challenges you had in your project? explain with the workaround?

53. Any other tool experience you have other than Selenium?

54. Tell me the Excel columns names in the keyword driven framework

55. In keyword driven framework how will you parameterize?

56. How many test scripts you written? and how long it will take to run ?

57. Explain your current project

58. What is the advantage of using Automation in your project?

59. Quality wise what is the benefit of using Automation in your project?

60. What is the reason for selecting SE for Automation in your project?

61. What is current role in Test automation?

62. What is the version tool you used in your project?

63. Which frame work you are using?

64. Page Object Model - Framework - flow/structure?

65. here to keep your script files?

66. How do you rate yourself on Java?


67. What is OOPS concept - explain

68. What is Abstract Class?

69. What is Interface?

70. What is different between Interface and Abstract class?

71. what is Final and Finally?

72. Can you tell me the example for Runtime exception and Compiletime exception.

73. How many time you can use Catch block while exception handling?

74. Syntax of cssSelector

75. What is the repositry you have used for objects in framework.

76. Difference between webdriver and remotewebdriver?

77. How does webdriver identifies UI Elements?

78. write the syntax on findElement?

79. Do you use to identify the Xpath? (Relative  Absolute  sibiling and Precding)

80. Write the xpath using Precding and Absolute?

81. Have you used TestNG?

82. What are the different annotations in TestNG.

83. What is the use of @BeforeTest/@BeforeMethod annotation.

84. How do you do parameterization in testNG

85. What is Data provider?

86. Write the program to reterieve the data from excel? "

87. Arraylist vs list?

88. Have you used collections in your code ?

89. Explain the List and set?

90. Different between hashset and hashtable.

91. String to count indvual variable and return count only

92. Exception handling

93. Oops concept

94. How to Find dynamically generating object

95. Collections

96. Different types of testing using automation

97.Project explanation

98. Tell about career evolution

99. What is immutable class

100. What is lambda expression?

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