Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Accenture - Automation Testing Interview Questions - 2 to 5 years experience

April 2018

Accenture interview questions-
1. Explain JAVA

2. Write a simple program to print ur name with commands to compile and run program

3. What is meaning of p.s.v.m(String args)

4. Explain exception handling

5. How will you come out of try{} block

6. What is use of finally{} block

7. How will you come out of finally{} block

8. Difference between Hashtable and hashmap n their uses

9. Can value be key-value  in hashtable
10. Explain polymorphism

11. Explain method overloading and method overriding

12. Explain inheritance

14. What is a constructors

15. Types of access specifiers and their scope

16. What is monkey testing? Who performs it?

17. Given a login page with username n password textfields with cancel and login buttons. Give test scenarios

18. Difference between test plan and test lab

19. What is API Testing

Other Interview Questions

1. Can you brief about yourself.

2. What is the difference between hashmap and hashtable.

3. Difference between stringbuffer and string classes.

4. What is testing

5. What are different types of testing

6.What are the types of testing you know apart from functional and performance testing.

7.What is security testing

8.Where would you see yourself in the next 2 years

9.What is compatibility testing.

10.What is code coverage

11.Why are you looking for change?

12.What are your achievements in your project.

13.What are the challenges you had in your project?

14.How would rate yourself in java out of 5.

15.What is garbage collector in java

16.How do you achieve multiple inheritance in java?

17.What is the difference between interface and abstract class.

18.Write a program to find the prime number

19.Some questions of reasoning, probability.

20.How do you update your knowledge?

21.What is stlc

22.Can you tell me the output of each component in STLC.

23.Have you done anything innovative in the past 3 years for which you felt very happy?

24.What tools you use in QA automation.

25.What is selenium.

26.Explain about your selenium framework.

27.What is the repositry you have used for objects in framework.

28.Can you write a sample webdriver script for login functionality of gmail.

29.What are the different annotations in TestNG.

30.What is the use of @BeforeTest annotation.

31.How do you access the methods in TestNG class file along with parameters.

32.I have a package which has 10 class files, I would like to run first 6 class files in parallel and rest 4 in sequential how do you that.

33.Write the structure of TestNG xml file for the above scenario with parallel value as "tests" and "classes"

34.How do you do parameterization in testNG

35.How is dataprovider different from passing parameters from testng xml file.

36.How do you handle dependency tests cases in testNG.

37.Write the code for following:  

a)Check if the given string is palindrome or not.

b) Check if the given integer is palindrome or not.

c) Write a sample code for hashmap and hashtable

d) write a sample code for threads


38.Given an array

int a[] = int a{1,2,2,3,4,4,5,5,6,7}

     a)Find the duplicates in the above array      and store in to a seperate array

      b)Find the non duplicates and store in another array.


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