Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Digital Harbor - Selenium Interview questions - 2 plus experience

#Selenium Interview questions for 2+Years @Digital harbor

1.Tell me about ur self??

2.In selenium I am searching for Java in google after search it will show all related java links , I want find how many results is there in current page?

3.In selenium how many types of results it's generated?

4.How many data types is there in selenium?

5.What is difference between page object model and data drive model?

6.What's is hybrid driven?

7.In qc where u test manual test cases??

8.What is rtm?

9.What is data driven?

10.Only data driven we can perform???

11.What's is different b/w Functional and system testing?

12.What's is agile methodologie?

13.What's is integration testing?

14.What's retesting and regression testing???

15.i have one page in that page object or change every login time 2 page i want 2 find how may ok button is there when I am login
Ex:Ok, Cancel,reset, Request these fields changing every login time 2 page how u find how may ok button is there


Monday, 2 July 2018

Sigma System - Automation Interview Question - 4 to 6 Years Experience

Questions asked in Sigma System

June 2018

Experience - 4 to 6 Years

1. Framework

2. Sql queries

3. Java program to swap two arrays

4. Java program to get average for first 5
element s and then from 6 the element to next 6 element and then next 7 element average.

5. What happen if there is main method in testng framework
Will java program work without main method?

6. Oracle sql queries

Manual Testing
7. Normalization in oracle

8. Alpha and beta testing

9. V model Vs agile

10. How to click on dynamic element in table

11. What is authorization and authorized

12. What is the minimum criteria in which you can break a chocolate

13. Difference between union and join
Difference between alpha and beta testing

14. SQL joins queries

15.How to decrease the execution time for 1000 test case

Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Accenture - Automation Testing Interview Questions - 4 to 8 Years Experience

Accenture - 4 to 8 Years
June 2018

1st round test- all BB selenium, testng maven related questions.

2nd round- telephonic interview in there office
1. Tell me about urself? What Ur project is all about

2. Abstract class

3. Can we achieve multiple inheritance in java

4. Final and finally keyword difference

5. Collection hierarchy-

6. What is the difference between set and list
7. Arraylist and how it works

8. How u will switch to different Windows

9. Maven and it's lifecycle phases.

10 why maven preferred on other.

11. What plugins u used in maven

12. Pom.xml file and Trang.xml files difference

13. Nosuchelementexception and elementnotfound exception what is the difference between that

14. Cucumber - how much u know about it.
15. Who is writing feature files in ur project and who should write it by ur understanding

16. Can we have multiple catch after single try

17. Where u used collection in ur framework.

18. How to iterate arraylist

19. What is hashmap and how it works

20. Which framework u r using and in which layer u worked

21. Which version control tool Ur using

22. How u r merging Ur code to git

23. What and all commands u used it git

24. Write excel sheet code

25. If excel sheet is having one column as run  and value for different testcases is Y or N then how u will make sure only Y value test cases will run

26. How to set priority for any test

27.  How to enable or disable the test

28.  How to use different testng annotations

29. How Ur framework has been built.

30. If u wanted to run only some specific tests then how u will make sure that

2nd round-
Test with 2 different scenarios that u need to automate

Yash Technologies - Automation Interview Questions - 4 to 8 Years Experience

Yash Technologies interview questions

1st round
1. Abstract class

2. Can we extend abstract class. If yes then what's the use of no then why

3.what is the difference between private and protected.

4. Reflection class. How it works

5. Cucumber - how much u know.

6. Why we used glue

7. Maven and it's uses. Why we prefer maven over normal project

8. Have u created any job in Jenkins to run Ur script

9. How u have done that

10. How u can use maven and Jenkins together.

11. If u cannot find xpath of any element uniquely then how u can find that elements.

12. What are the different methods in xpath access

13. How u will use followingsibling
explain with Ur own example

14. TestNG file - the sequence of annotations

Avalara - Automation Testing Interview Questions - 4 to 8 Years Experience

Avalara telephonic interview questions
June 2018

Experience 4 plus

1. What is overriding?

2. Exception handling- can we write finally after try.?

3. Explain abstract class.

4. Can we create object of abstract class.

5. What is runtime polymorphism

6. string Ques - what is the difference
between string S1 = new String (hi) and S2= "hi"

7. How string pool works

8. Find element and findelements difference

9. If u have one drop-down with different data and u want to pick a specific on how u will do that?

10. How you are using excel sheet in ur project

11. Project framework.

12. Where u used collection in ur project and how

13. Can class be static.

Tuesday, 26 June 2018

IBM - Automation Testing Interview Question - 4 plus experience

Experience 4 to 8 Years

1st round- Machine Tesg

3 scenarios that needs to be automated

2nd round
1. What is abstract class and have u used it in your project
2.what is hashmap and it's internal working.
3. How to iterate hashmap
4. Exceptional handling- can we have multiple catch for same try and how it written
5. If exception occurs in finally block what will happen
6. And how u will handle that exception
7. Cucumber - what is glue keyword
8. How test runner file works.
9. Why to use maven
10. TestNG - what will execute first beforemethod or beforeTest

Saturday, 16 June 2018

Fulcrum - ETL Testing Interview Question - 3 to 6 Years Experience

3 to 6 ETL experience interview

1. How to find 3 highest salary from employee table?

2. Explain Referential integrity.

3.Tell me about your current role

4.Differences between  Agile vs other traditional software development models.

5. In Batch processing data from Table A is going to  Table B.  What will be your Test Approach?

6. What type of bug you faced in ETL testing. Explain the best bug you found so far

7. ETL testing scenario you used generally. What are challenges you faced in ETL Testing?

8. How to insert 100 records from table A table B.

9. How you access databases?

10. What is different between a datawharehouse testing ETL testing.

11. How to create CSV file and how you enter 10000 records.
- Also how you test this file.
- Once  this CSV insert through ETL job in data base how you will test.
- If any issue happend during loading like decimal value not inserted then what you do?
- If we want again insert same records again what will do?

12. There are 10 sequential files are kept in unix directory.
You need to process these files. Tell me positive and negative scenarios.

13.  Differences between delete and truncate.

14. What are the numeric function in oracle.

15. Do you know pl/sql

16.Case statement scenario query

17 .Group by and having clause query.

18 . How you rate your SQL  skills

19. Have you build CSV, flat file and pipe format files.

Zensoft - Performance Testing Interview Question - 2 to 5 years experience

1. What is Performance Testing?

2. Why we need of Performance Testing?

3. Detail about the projects you done.

4. What is Thread Group?
5. What is Samplers?

6. What is Regular Expression

7. Meaning (.+?) / (.*?) -

8. What is Beanshell PreProcessor and PostProcessor?

9. Why we need to use it?

10. What is the Execution Order of JMeter script?

11. How do you identify the performance testing requirements?

12. What are the objectives of Performance Testing Test Plan?

13. Types of timers in JMeter?

14. Which tool are you using and why for performance testing?

15. Do you have any knowledge on other performance testing tools like Loadrunner, NeoLoad?

16. What is ThinkTime, Why we need to use it?

17. Types of Assertions

18. Types of Listeners

19. Distributed Load Testing (Remote Testing) -

20. Why use Non GUI mode to run the script?

21. Command to run jmeter script from non gui mode.

22. Types of Performance Testing-
23. Load Testing

24. Stress Testing

25. Endurance Testing

26. Spike Testing

27. What is Synchronizing Timer and how it is works?

28. Activities perform during performance testing?

29. Parameterization.

30. Correlation

31. Blazemeter and how it is useful in Jmeter

32. Do you have any idea about 3rd party monitoring tools like NewRelic and AppDynamics?

33. Performance Tunning and what are parameters you considered in your project.

34. How to check server side logs

35. What are the parameters to check the performance of application after running your jmeter script?

36. What is Latency?

37. What is response time?

38. How to create HTML report from .jtl file?

39. How to reduce unwanted requests while recording the script from the JMeter?

40. What is workload Modeling?

41. What is Performance Analysis?

42. Types of Thread Groups?

43. How you are showing the Performance Testing Analysis Report to your client in your current project?

44. How will you start the requirement gathering for performance testing if we didn't get it from client?

45. How many projects have you done?

46. How many max no of users load have you given in your projects?

47. What are the challenges / problems have you faced in your project?

48. Have you integrated JMeter script with Jenkins?

49. Unix commands

50. SQL commands like Joins.

Saturday, 26 May 2018

HCL - Manual Testing Interview Questions - 2 to 6 Years Experience

May 2018

1. Introduce yourself.

2. Tell me about your project.

3. Testing model used in your project.
Explain it.(in my case waterfall model)

4. Defect life cycle

5. Difference between validation and verification with example

6. Whats your take if the defect is rejected.

7. Write a query to remove duplicate record from table.

8. Write all the clauses in query.

9. Arrange all the clauses in ascending order.

10. Write all the aggregate functions in sql

11. Write all the constraints in sql

12. We have a table Employees having columns EmpID, EmpName, Salary, Commission.
Write a query to get the total salary of each employee.

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Infostretch - Automation Interview Questions - 2 to 6 Years experience

Infostretch 2 to 6 Years Experience

May 2018

First Round
Technical Test Interview Questions

1. Write a program  to reverse the number. Int number = 12345

2. Write a program to demonstrate right click using selenium

3. Write a program  to scroll in selenium untill an element is found

4. Write a program to demonstrate Page Factory Object model in selenium


Second Round

They have four questions set for written programming test.

*SET 2 - Questions.*

1) Palindrome String = 'MADAM'.

2) Objective Question

public static void main(String args[]){
public int fun(){
return 20;

A - 20,
B - Runtime error
*C - compilation error.*
D - None.

3) Write a code for Customized exception in java.

4) Wrt for mouse handover using action class.

5) Wrt to find total count of elements present in below page
<ul title= 'movies'>
    <li title = 'Movie title 1>
    <li title = 'Movie title 2>
  <li title = 'Movie title 50>

6) Write code for wait until element visible.

F2F Interview Questions -

1. Merge 100 xls sheet of data in one sheet

2. Explain Project framework

3. Get data from the database and use it in the script

4. Roles and responsibilities in current project

5. Challenges faced in project

6. Explain Recovery scenario

7. Explain Error handling

8. Reverse a string"this is hello world string" and print only the 1st and the last reversed word.

9. Can static variable be called in another class   inheriting the previous class

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Genesys - Automation Test Interview Questions - 2 to 4 years experience

April 2018

1. Tell me about yourself?

2. What is your role and responsibilities?

3. Which locator you used in your framework and why?

4. Relative and absolute xpath?

5. Explain about your framework?

6. What is data driven framework and explain data provider

7. Different annotations used in ur project

8. What kimd of exceptions you faced in selenium

9. What is staleelementfefernce
exception? How do handle

10. Window handling

11. Different types of wait

12. How do you put timeout for particular method

13. Where you used collections in ur project

14. 2 arrays have given, merge it and sort it and remove the duplicate

15. How to reverse a number

16. What is selenium hub and node

17. What is grid

18. How will you do cross browser testing

19. By wat node will understand the hub?

20. What is xpath axes.

IBM - Manual and Automation Interview Questions - 3 Plus experience

IBM EGL Bangalore - April 2018

Round 1 : 2 interviewer

1. Logic behind finding max and min of two numbers without writing any if else statement

2. Debugging a written code with for loop, header, attribute

3. Debugging a system where data is flowing from frotend to DB via different stages

4. SQL for join conditions.

5. Nested select statement

6. Scenario based questions to find out test condition and test cases

7. Testing techniques to be used for a migration project where requirements are not documented

8. Educational background, Career path and few questions based on situation
9. Security testing related qsn

Round 2:  1 interviewer

1. Current Project Architecture

2. Finding test scenario for a given work flow where people are getting registered for Marathon, than live marathon tracking is happening thn, results are getting published

3. Test condition for Copy paste from one server to another server.

4. Flag testing when user tried to login incorrectly 3 times

5. Roles and responsibilities

6. Testing techniques like state transition, boundary value.

7. Back end testing

8. Compatibility testing

9. Acceptance testing

10. For a particular situation what are the "xyz"  testing scenarios

Round 3. 2 interviewer

1. Career path.

2. What is your strategy to switch in every 2 yrs

3. Mobile testing on Android and iOS asked qsn related to my project

4. Difference between post and put API

5. Rest API related questions

6. How portal and mobile do communicate

7. Notification testing on a Android application. Push and inApp notification

8. Regression around push notifications

9. Fingerprint authentication for Android app

10. Scenario for mobile testing situational

Common Questions in all rounds
1. Usability of automating an application.

2. Based on what condition you will find out testcase for automation

4. Specialty in engineering

5. Any questions for us

6. Are you ready to work on any product or do you have constraint

Monday, 23 April 2018

Nihilent - Manual Testing Interview Question - 3 to 6 Years Experience

Interview questions in Nihilent
April 2018

1)What is Cloud

2) Explain Continuous integration

3) What is Agile..poker

4) What is Data parsing

5) What are different type of rca

6) Drawback of agile methodology

7) How to define rtm in alm

8) What is Brainstorming

9) What is Silent partner in agile

CTS - Automation Interview Questions - 2 plus

April 2018

1. Explain ur framework
2. Difrance betwen interface nd abstract
3. Write program to print a pyramid
4. Weite selenium script to login
5. What is assert
6. Asert vs verify
7. Iframe
8. Switch between frame

May  2018

1. What is string? Write code to reverse the string as mentioned in the output?
Given String: Selenium Web driver is open source tool

Output String: tool source open is Web driver Selenium

2. Write code to print the given pattern?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4
1 2 3
1 2

3. Write code to print


4. Why string is immutable in nature?

5. What is the difference between Final, Finally & Finalize?

6. Write a code to print the missing numbers between five inputs provided by user at run time using scanner class?
Example: With the help of Scanner class, we have to take five inputs(u can take any random number) Like: 5, 45, 50, 52, 91
Now you have to print the missing numbers between all the numbers. Like 6 to 44 than 46 to 49 than 51 than 53 to 90.
But if user entered the number not in any order Like: 5, 2, 98, 50, 16
so first you have to sort it in some order & than print the missing numbers

7. What is the difference between array & array list?

8. What is the difference between hash map & linked hash map?

9. What is the difference between String, String buffer & String Builder?

10. What is the difference between interface, class & abstract class?

11. Can interface have concrete class?

12. What is Checked & Unchecked exception?

13. How to handle checked exception?

Selenium Questions:
1. How to launch browsers(IE,  chrome & Mozilla). write code?

2. Write code to establish JDBC connection?

3.  How to read .txt file? Write code?

4. How to read property file & excel file? Write code?

5. What is testNg framework? what are the features of testNg framework?

6. What is the listener in testNg? List out those listeners which you used in your company?

7. Write code to take screenshot?

8. How to perform parameterization?

9. Explain your last company project framework?

10. What is Page Object Model(POM)? what is advantage and disadvantage of POM?

11. What is Page factory? How to create object of class using page Factory class, Write code?

12. What is Alert, frame in selenium web driver? Write code?

13. How to refresh the web page?

14. What is the difference between get() & navigate().to() method?

15. What is Maven?

16. What is dependencies in Maven? Tags in POM.xml file for adding dependencies?

17. What is repository in Maven? Types?

18. What is Cucumber framework?

19. What is feature file & step definition in cucumber?

20. What is tags & hooks in cucumber?

21. What are the keywords used in feature file? What is the use of keyword "background" in feature file?

22. How to run test case for multiple data in cucumber? how to pass multiple data for a test case in step definition?

23. How to run test cases for more than one tag name in cucumber?

Manual Questions:
1. Difference between regression & retesting?

2. If you have 500 test cases to execute. and in a week, you can execute only 100 test cases. And you have only 3 weeks to execute all the test cases. and all are critical in nature. So what will be approach?

3. What is agile ?

General Question:
1. Introduce yourself?

Cognizant interview questions

May 2018

1. What is static used for?

2. Write a method to print hello and call it from main method?

3. Write a program to print values of an array using any loop?

4. What is the difference between FOR and FOR each loop?

5. What is difference between static and instance variable?

6. What is function overloading?Can we overload a main method?

7. What does public and void mean in public static void main()?

8. Why do we write string[]args in main method?

9. Can we keep any name instead of args?

10. Can we write [] in front like  []a?

11. What will be the output of FOR loop
For(sopln"welcome"; sopln"to";sopln"java")?

12. What is string class? Why is string called inmutable?

13. What is string buffer class?

14. Write code to read data from excel?

15. What is the difference between find elements and find element?

16. Will findelements throw an error when the element is not found?

17. What is explicit wait?

18. What is fluent wait?

19. Different explicit wait conditions in selenium?

20. Can we write our own conditions for explicit wait??

21. What is the difference between smoke and sanity testing?

22. What is kanben?

23. Which agile methodology do you use?

24. Who is the one who leads the agile team?

25. What is the difference between product backlog and sprint backlog?

26. What does product owner and scrum master do?

27. What are webservices testing?

28. Which testing have you performed?

29. Soap and ui testing?

30. Different types of https code?

31. What does 1 series stand for similarly 2,3 and 4 series in https code stand for?

32. Write a program for factorial?

33. Write a program to find prime no. Or not?

34. All string related programs are asked?

35. What is the difference between smoke and sanity testing?

36. What is regression testing?

37. What is exploratory testing?

38. What have you used JIRA for only logging defects or others tasks to have u performed?

39. Explain the framework you have used?

40. What is your role in this framework explain it in detail?

41. Whats is build.xml?

42. What is port no. We use and why is it used?

43. Appium related queries?

44. Testng related questions

45. Dataproviders?

46. 3 Scenarios are given we need to write code to automate it?

47. Where did u use collection in ur project?

48. Where did u use hashmap in ur project?

49. Where did u use multi threading in ur project?

Saturday, 21 April 2018

Zensoft - Manual Testing Interview Questions - 2 to 4 Years Experience

April 2018

1. What is Smoke and sanity?

2. What is Regression Testing?

3. Your work and responsibilities

4. Explain Defect life cycle

5. Why your looking for change? What are your expectations from our company ?

6. What is components of defect and testcase

7. What is Priority and severity

8. What was the most challenging part of your career and how you overcame that?

9. What are the negative testing u shall do on file or media uploading?

10. On Registration page email id field taking valid and invalid email id also.
So in that case what is severity  and priority?

4. How you should test the data flow between end client data to server.

5. If Amazon registered user shall get one welcome email, how you shall test that email is going to appropriate registered user.

6. How you can test the online transaction on Amazon with end user and how end user get email with verified message?

7. How can you  test the cloud machines on aws and azure.

Friday, 20 April 2018

Zensoft - Automation Interview Questions - 2 to 6 Years Experience

March 2018

*Zensoft Interview questions*

1. What are xpath Axes?

2. What are the methods of Xpath?

3. Framework structure of your project?

4. Fluent wait and Explicit wait? When to use fluent wait?

5. How will you do failure analysis of regression test suits if 500 test cases failed out of 1000 test cases

6. Wrapper classes in java?

7. What is type casting?

8. How to convert string to integer?

9. Factorial program

10. Given one scenario like, search box and find button is there, after clicking on find all records will be displayed in tabular format, and there one mesg will be displayed for count of records displayed. So, how can we verify that the count mesg displayed is correct according to the number of rows displayed?

11. How can you handle windows bases events?

12. What is Auto IT and how will you write Auto IT script?

13. What is super and this keyword?

14. Can we write both super and this in same method or constructor?

15. String str = "Hello World"
Output should be - Hello Wtrld
- Second occurence of 'o' should be replaced with 't'
16. List list1 = ["1", "2", "3", "11"]
     List list2 = ["11", "33", "3", "4"]

17 - There are some common elements in both lists like 3 and 11, so we need to print only uncommon elements. Output :- ["1", "2", "33","4"]
17. What all challenges that you faced while designing a framework?
18. What are the dependencies that you have used?
19. What all exceptions have you faced and how you overcome it?
20. What is StaleElementReferenceException?

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Aspire - Automation Interview Questions - 2 plus experience

1. What are the activities you are doing in your project?

2. Which frame work you are using?

3. Tell me about the traceability matrix?

4. SOAP UI - Could a output response obtained from one XML can be used as input for invoking other XML?

5. Write test cases for a scenario - eg.entering address

6. Framework - type/flow/structure?

7. Relative xpath - 3 nodes with same id value , 3rd node having additional character "xyz" - how to find relative xpath for the 3rd node?

8. SQL - Inner join related query

9. Structure of the framework?

10. Where to keep your script files?

11. What approach you are using for selenium ?

12. Can we do file upload through selenium?

13. Can we able to locate excel file in a system through selenium?


13. What is test plan & test strategy?


                Tomorrow your project delivery.Today your onsite co-ordinator saying that you missed one functionality?Then what will be your reply to him and your manager?

                Write a program to reverse a number(eg. 1234 to 4321) without using modulus operator

                From the below diagram find the sum greater value of the side and print that


14.How will you get the data from Excel & Write a code for it

15. If I click a button, a text button will be populated with a value

get the value and check the format is valid or not


16. In a paragraph, I have to extract the following things

                Get only numbers

                Get only alphabets

                Get only alpha-numerics

                Get only spaces

                Get only special characters


17. How Selenium grid is works


18. I have a string "CZ1234ABC45"

                For example in for loop : for (i=1; i<=n; i++)

                In the above for loop, instead of 1 (one) for variable "i", we need assign the above string

                And it has to increment based on "i++"

                Write a logic for this.


19.I have a float value 12345.4566

   I want to extract only 4566 (ie., the value after dot)


20. What are the activities you are doing in your project?

21. Which frame work you are using?

22. Tell me about the traceability matrix?

23. Develop one << Framework >> for registration page and Explain.

24. Write Code: Consider you have one webpage contains nearly 100 fields, how to get all the field values in single line.

25. Write Code: How to find all the web elements [like radio button, check boxes, tet areas, etc..] in a page by single line of code.

26. Write Code: Consider Irctc From station field, type only 3 characters, in the displayed dropdown view find the first option.

27. If your application performance is very slow. what you will do

28. What is explicit wait. Why thread.sleep

29. Consider if your application having same ids for all elements, what you will do.

30. You have 100 textcases in excel. but client want you to execute only 60 tc's. what you will do. Which tc's you choose from excel

31. Challenges faced in selenium

32. Write Code:  n=1238975. Find the biggest integer value in 'N'. [o/p : 9]

33. Write Code: n=16845. O/p will be "n=14568". It should be integer value, It should be in ascending form.

34. Write NCode - For Number and Start Pattern Program


35. X ="Good Looking"[User input].

    Have to find unique characters cout. Should not any duplicate.

    For Ex. g - 2; o - 4; d - 1; l - 1; k - 1; i - 1; n-1. [Have to print like this]


36. Write a code to Reverse a String. Without using any builtin functions like reverse(), charAt()

37. Consider one div having 100 spans with unique texts. How to find expected text using Xpath.

38. Write code : Need to capture screenshot of the whole page. Need to scroll the page till end.

39. Write Code: Find the repeated words in a given string.

40. Write Code: Get values from Ui and compare expected values with from any database.

41. Write Code: Identify and form a string with unique characters. Ex. X=Good Looking. o/p = godlkin.

42. Write a program to validate the credit card number having the following pattern:[2312] [932E] [12AB]

43. What is continuous Integration? Tell something about it

44. What is the version tool you used in your project?


45. Scenario  question:

    There are three pages 1.Create customer, 2.Edit Customer and 3.Delete customer

    Create customer -> Create the customer and output will be 5 field values

    Edit customers ->  Get search results , edit and output will be 5 updated field values

    Delete Customer -> Delete customer (get search results and Delete )


                How will you test these three pages?

    How will you get and where will you store the dynamically changing 5 fields

    How will you make sure you run one after the other ( first 'create customer' and then 'edit customer' then 'delete customer')


46. What is the Element Identifier tool you are using?

47. Your application  supports only IE then how will  you identify the objects?


48. Are you there in your project from the beginning or you joined  later?

49. How did you perform POC? (proof of concept)

50. There are 100 Test cases and  you want to run only 10 selective Test cases for regression how will you do that?

    continuation  of above question no.10, One test case I have to run as part of Regression and the same test case

    should not run as part of Smoke Testing.

                Both Regression and Smoke should run simultaneously. How will you do that?


51. What is the use of Maven? Why do you want it ?

52. What are the challenges you had in your project? explain with the workaround?

53. Any other tool experience you have other than Selenium?

54. Tell me the Excel columns names in the keyword driven framework

55. In keyword driven framework how will you parameterize?

56. How many test scripts you written? and how long it will take to run ?

57. Explain your current project

58. What is the advantage of using Automation in your project?

59. Quality wise what is the benefit of using Automation in your project?

60. What is the reason for selecting SE for Automation in your project?

61. What is current role in Test automation?

62. What is the version tool you used in your project?

63. Which frame work you are using?

64. Page Object Model - Framework - flow/structure?

65. here to keep your script files?

66. How do you rate yourself on Java?


67. What is OOPS concept - explain

68. What is Abstract Class?

69. What is Interface?

70. What is different between Interface and Abstract class?

71. what is Final and Finally?

72. Can you tell me the example for Runtime exception and Compiletime exception.

73. How many time you can use Catch block while exception handling?

74. Syntax of cssSelector

75. What is the repositry you have used for objects in framework.

76. Difference between webdriver and remotewebdriver?

77. How does webdriver identifies UI Elements?

78. write the syntax on findElement?

79. Do you use to identify the Xpath? (Relative  Absolute  sibiling and Precding)

80. Write the xpath using Precding and Absolute?

81. Have you used TestNG?

82. What are the different annotations in TestNG.

83. What is the use of @BeforeTest/@BeforeMethod annotation.

84. How do you do parameterization in testNG

85. What is Data provider?

86. Write the program to reterieve the data from excel? "

87. Arraylist vs list?

88. Have you used collections in your code ?

89. Explain the List and set?

90. Different between hashset and hashtable.

91. String to count indvual variable and return count only

92. Exception handling

93. Oops concept

94. How to Find dynamically generating object

95. Collections

96. Different types of testing using automation

97.Project explanation

98. Tell about career evolution

99. What is immutable class

100. What is lambda expression?

Altimetric - Automation Interview Questions - 3 plus experience

1. Interface and abstract class

2. String and Stringbuffer 

3. string a =""; string a= "";

4. Difference between jvm and jre

5. Difference between hashset and hashtable.

6. Difference between arraylist and array

7. Use of set - collection

8. Method overloading and method overriding

9. What is polymorphism

10. assert and verify and waitFor

11. super keyword

12. find links and manipulation

13. Print data in IDE - echo

14. Is string immutable. 

15. Software Testing Life cycle life cycle.

16. If you are getting a show-stopper a day before delivery what would you be doing.

17. what ways you can declare string 

18. Use of javac and java

19. Have you use data structures in your project

20. how do you rate yourself in java and webdriver

21. Explain the framework which you have used in your project

22. Rate yourself in selenium

23. What is an Interface ? Give an example in selenium

24. What is abstract method? Can we write code under abstract method?

25. How to read data from a dynamic web table?

26. How to right click and double click the button?

27. What are the locators available and how xpath is used. Write the syntax?

28. WebDriver is a class or interface?

29. Difference between list and set

30. What is  an interface? Can we create objects for an interface?

31. What is method overloading? Give an example in selenium and Explain where you have used in your project?

32. What is the 3rd way to inherit the properties of parent class like apart from creating objects and by using extend keywords

33. Write the code to initialize a chrome browser?

34. What are the challenges you faced while automating the project

35. What are the different collections available?

36. Given the scenario how you will write the code for page object model. Login page enter user-name, password and click on submit button should navigate to home page.

Monday, 16 April 2018

Jade Global - QA Interview Questions - 3 to 6 years experience

March 2018

Interview questions asked in Jade Global for manual testing.

1) Tell me about yourself

2) Tell me brief explanation for all projects and its working

3) Your role in each project

4) What is Sdlc and Stlc explain in brief ?

5) What is bug life cycle ?

6) What is tracibility Matrix?

7) What is severity priority .. explain with examples

8) What is difference between regression retesting

9) Explain smoke and sanity with examples

10) How you will handle situations of bug found in production environment

11) To whom you will contact or what will be your step if developer reject your bug

12) Explain working of agile scrum in detail with role of each person's in agile

13)  Constraints .. joins query
Basic questions on SQL

14) What is difference in selenium
Rc and selenium webdriver.

15) What are locators

16 ) How to find elements

17) Which one is best to use.

18) How to handles multiple browsers windows

19) How to handle drop downs

Sunday, 15 April 2018

Voyant - Manual and Automation Interview Questions - 2 to 6 Years Experience

March 2018

1. STLC explain with flow diagram

2. DLC explain with flow diagram

3. Smoke and Sanity with example

4. Regression and retesting with example

5. Priority & severity with example

6. What is test plan why it is created.

Have u created test plan?

7. Suppose a defect logged for build , it is fixed for build 2. How and what will you test.

8. What will you do if a bug is intermittent and not reproducible?

9. Explain agile and how will I incorporate it with STLC

10. What types of testing you will do for a web based application

11. Have you used any non functional testing tool

12. Will you get a bug reviewed by Product manager or BA when in open stage before assigning it to developer?

13. SQL query for fetching employee with 2nd highest Salary in employee table

14. SQL query for fetching all customer names from Customers table who have ordered for Product Name "laptop". Orders table has product name n customer id(FK)

15. What are constraints in SQL

16. SQL query for finding orders with customer id having null value

17. What is better to use- nested query or JOINS. How will you decide?

18. Explain PK and FK with example

19. What are aggregate functions in SQL ? Explain with examples

20. How many locators used in Selenium Webdriver?

21. Given a web page with username & password fields, forgot password link and login button. How will you find these elements on chrome using Id for username, classname for password, xpath for login button and cssSelector for forgot password.

22. How will you interact with radio buttons?

23. How will you interact with check boxes?

24. How will you interact with drop-down box?

PWC Pune - Automation Testing Interview Questions - 2 to 5 Years Experience

March 2018

1) What is collection in java.

2) Program for any of the collections(specially map)

3) Search a letter in string?

4) Reverse a number?

5) Sorting ana array?

6) What is page object model?

7) Between css and xpath which one is faster?

8) What is exception.tell some exception.

9) Tell some exception which you got while working in selenium

10) How to handle exception ?

11) Is it agood approche to throw an exception?

12) How to generate a report?

13) How many testcase you have automated.

14) How many test case you run in a batch execution?

15) What is the minimum time to run a batch execution?

16) Tell me complex secnarion of your application?

17) Challenges you faced in automation.

18) How to upload file other than Autoit?

19) Negative testcase for a pen?

20) How to run a test 3times if the test fail ?

Wipro - Selenium Automation Questions - 3 to 8 years experience

April 2018

1) driver.manage().timouts() – how methods are calling methods?

2) Webdriver driver; driver.get() ?  what will happen?

3) Implicit, explicit, fluent wait sysntax and working

4) Types of xpath

5) Which xpath is good absolute or relative

6) Interface and abstract class difference

7) What if I give method body in interface?

8) How do you initiate a browser selenium?

9)Test NG Annotations

10) Methods in TestNG

11) Annotations in testing. How to use

12) Switching to frames in selenium

13) Handling pop ups

14)How to Fetch data from excels

15) Types of framework

16) Types of exception in selenium

17) Exception hierarchy in java

18) Explain any 5 types of exceptions in Selenium


Wipro technologies- Saturday 14 April

Selenium Testing
Round 1:
1) What is Constructor and it's uses, types

2) Runtime polymorphism and its types

3) Abstraction, abstract class, interface and their differences

4)  Method overriding program

5) Inheritance with example. Multilevel inheritance possible in java or not

6) Exception handling, throw, throws keywords usage and differences, finally block

7) Collections in java

8) Dynamic binding example

9)  Selenium life cycle

10) Xpath types, one problem on xpath identification

11)  How to work with different windows, switch to a particular window using name, write code for that

12) Working with different frames

13)  How to find out all the link elements on a page Nd click on a particular link

14) Framework types

15) Page object model in detail

16) Page factory concept

17) Bdd, Cucumber, feature foles, scenario , scenario outline, data tables, parameter passing.

18) Junit annotations

19) TestNG, priorities execution

1) Projects working on.. roles and responsibilities

2) Few questions on SQL basics

3) Continuous integration, Jenkins

4) Maven, types of dependences for selenium

5) Git commands

6) One simple program on object identification, button s, list

7) String reversal in Java

8) Types of wait, fluent wait, have been asked to write it's code on paper

9) Few projects management questions

HCL - Automation Interview Questions - 1 to 4 years experience

April 2018

1.Explain your Framework architechture

2.‌Write complete Test script for Login button

3.‌Types of wait

4.‌Difference between static wait and implicit wait.

5.‌ What is webdriver ,interface or class

6.‌Write xpath for given HTML.

7.‌Different types of locators with example

8.‌What is Abstraction,abstract class,interface

9.‌ Why we use abstract methods give a business example

10.‌Defect life cycle in JIRA

11.‌What is inheritance

12.‌Program for Prime nos

13.‌What is Database testing

14.‌In explicit wait what is
expectedCondition? It is method or a class

15.‌How does Selenium work internally?

Friday, 13 April 2018

Silicus - QA Lead Testing Interview Questions - 3 to 7 Years experience

Silicus - QA Lead Testing - 3  to 7 Years experience

1) How to test scenarios for fund transfer ?

2) What is decision table and its use ?

3) What is RTM and its use ?

4) Difference between Regression, Smoke and Sanity

5) Compliance for Testing Payment Gateway

6) How to do security Testing ?

7) Mobile Testing Scenarios (Interrupt Testing,Memory Size, Different Modes etc)

8) How do you estimate the testing efforts in your project?

9) Have you ever been involved in writing test plan?

10) Explain difference between Mitigation Plan and Contingency Plan

11) What are the risks you faced in Testing?

12) Write SQL query to find first 5 records

13) Explain SQL Joins


1) What is Waterfall model

2) What is Sdlc and Stlc

3) What is test bed

4) What is Priority and Severity and its examples

5) Do you think after few years only automation will be there and no manual.Justify?

6) What are the factors consider while introducing automation in project

7) What is Maven

8) What is TestNG and its use 

9) What are Java features

10) What is agile

11) As a tester which model you think is good agile or waterfall

12) What is retrospective

13) What is glass box testing

14) Asked about the project

15) Sprint duration

16) What is BVA(Boundry Value Analysis)

17) What is RCA(Root cause Analysis)

18) Are you involved in preparing test plan and its content

19) SQL joins

20) What is Smoke testing.

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Accenture - Automation Testing Interview Questions - 2 to 5 years experience

April 2018

Accenture interview questions-
1. Explain JAVA

2. Write a simple program to print ur name with commands to compile and run program

3. What is meaning of p.s.v.m(String args)

4. Explain exception handling

5. How will you come out of try{} block

6. What is use of finally{} block

7. How will you come out of finally{} block

8. Difference between Hashtable and hashmap n their uses

9. Can value be key-value  in hashtable
10. Explain polymorphism

11. Explain method overloading and method overriding

12. Explain inheritance

14. What is a constructors

15. Types of access specifiers and their scope

16. What is monkey testing? Who performs it?

17. Given a login page with username n password textfields with cancel and login buttons. Give test scenarios

18. Difference between test plan and test lab

19. What is API Testing

Other Interview Questions

1. Can you brief about yourself.

2. What is the difference between hashmap and hashtable.

3. Difference between stringbuffer and string classes.

4. What is testing

5. What are different types of testing

6.What are the types of testing you know apart from functional and performance testing.

7.What is security testing

8.Where would you see yourself in the next 2 years

9.What is compatibility testing.

10.What is code coverage

11.Why are you looking for change?

12.What are your achievements in your project.

13.What are the challenges you had in your project?

14.How would rate yourself in java out of 5.

15.What is garbage collector in java

16.How do you achieve multiple inheritance in java?

17.What is the difference between interface and abstract class.

18.Write a program to find the prime number

19.Some questions of reasoning, probability.

20.How do you update your knowledge?

21.What is stlc

22.Can you tell me the output of each component in STLC.

23.Have you done anything innovative in the past 3 years for which you felt very happy?

24.What tools you use in QA automation.

25.What is selenium.

26.Explain about your selenium framework.

27.What is the repositry you have used for objects in framework.

28.Can you write a sample webdriver script for login functionality of gmail.

29.What are the different annotations in TestNG.

30.What is the use of @BeforeTest annotation.

31.How do you access the methods in TestNG class file along with parameters.

32.I have a package which has 10 class files, I would like to run first 6 class files in parallel and rest 4 in sequential how do you that.

33.Write the structure of TestNG xml file for the above scenario with parallel value as "tests" and "classes"

34.How do you do parameterization in testNG

35.How is dataprovider different from passing parameters from testng xml file.

36.How do you handle dependency tests cases in testNG.

37.Write the code for following:  

a)Check if the given string is palindrome or not.

b) Check if the given integer is palindrome or not.

c) Write a sample code for hashmap and hashtable

d) write a sample code for threads


38.Given an array

int a[] = int a{1,2,2,3,4,4,5,5,6,7}

     a)Find the duplicates in the above array      and store in to a seperate array

      b)Find the non duplicates and store in another array.

Searce Holdings - Automation Interview Questions - 2 plus years experience

April 2018

1. About previous profile.

2. Star pattern programs

3. String split prog

4. Oops concepts of java

5. Explain Polymorphism

6. Function overloading


1. Open browser program

2. What is Interface

3. What is Getwindowshandles() function

4. How many types of Waits used.

5.One Dom was given and asked to write xpath

6. What is  selenium? How does it work?

7. What is mean by open source.

Capgemini - Automation Interview Questions - 2 to 6 years experience

March 2018

Capgemini interview:
1. What is interface, methods, and rules
2. Abstraction
3. Can abstract class have constructor?
4. What is encapsulation
5. How to achieve encapsulation
6. TestNG annotations
7. Can we run a TC multiple times in TestNg
8. What is webdriver?
9. Methods in webdriver
10. Implicit explicit and fluent wait in selenium
11. WAP to reverse string
12. WAP to find second highest value in array
13. WAP for Fibonacci series

Monday, 9 April 2018

BNY Mellon - ETL Testing - 3 to 9 Years

ETL concepts- ETL process, ETL Testing scenarios, OLTP vs OLAP, Information db and operations db

Agile concepts- ( Why Agile, your role in scrum calls)

Unix commands- (list files in alphabetical order (ls -l), list running processes (ps), grep command, cwd command, use of pipe symbol

Testing concepts- How to import excel spreadsheets into QC, Verification and Validation, Test plan, v model

Domain related questions ( Banking)- Retail Banks vs Commercial Banks vs Investment Banks

BNY Mellon - Manual Testing - 3 to 8 Years

1. What are the contents in test plan.

2. What are entry & exit criteria.

3. Difference in agile & waterfall.

4. Use of awk command in Unix.

5. How to capture process running in background.

6. How to redirect execution of a shell
scripting while getting the execution displayed on UI..

7. Use of rm command.

8. How filter a specific file from a list of files.

9. How parameters works in a shell

10. Jira & confluence uses.

11. How to conclude Estimation & story points.

JVP - Selenium Automation - 3 to 6 Years

1.Briefly explain about yourself

2.Experience in testing

3.Executing framework means what

4.What is Framework

5.Why we use framework

6.How to handle authentication popup

7.If you want to enter username password in that authentication popup


9.Start with end with,  following sibling


11.Wait in Selenium

12. What is String

13.Different betten string buffer and string

14.Wrapper class

15.Prime no

16.     123hello456saku

17.  If we use robot class and lock the system then it may not work... So what is the approach to handle this kind of authentication.

18. Which version Selenium I am using,  what issue we face in Selenium 3.0

19. Which is default browser for Webdriver.

Synechron - Automation - 2 to 6

1. What is system. Out. Println
Why we are using this

2. What is Webdriver
Which all abstract methods are there in the Webdriver

3. Fibonacci series

4. Exception

5. Why we use finally

6. Can we use multiple catch,  Why we use multiple catch

7. Different kind of Poi

8. Why main method is static

9. What is the use of static

10. Program fibonacci series

If input we give 1 as n then how the code will be for fibonacci.

11.Different betten smoke and sanity

12. Different betten checked and unchecked exception.

13. Different between /and //

14. //div/Id="xyz123"

... How to write

Using start with
Sql join

15. Alert  handling

April 2018

Experience 3 plus years

Interview at Synechron 21/04/2018

1. Tell me about ur Automation framework
2. Page object model
3. Challenges with Page object model
4. Program to reverse a string
5. Program to draw a pattern for *
6. Have you contributed in framework desinging
7. Have you done API testing

Mindtrre - Selenium Automation - 3 to 6


1. How to handle dynamic object

2. How to work with button which is in div tag and and u have to click without using xpath

3. JVM is dependent or independent platform

4.How many Test script you write in day

5. Describe your framework

6. How to parameterized your junit

7. How to handle ssl security

8. How to handle window pops

9. Difference between implicit and explicit

10.What are the types of assertion and what are assertion in junit


1.JVM is dependent or independent platform

2.Difference between hashmap and hash set, set and linkedlist, arraylist and vector list , linkedhash set and hashset

3. Abstract vs interface

4.Throw vs throws

5. How to split sentence in words

6. Checked and unchecked exception

7. How to work with azax aplication

8. Why sring is immutable

9. What is the return type of

10. What are the types of assertion and what are assertion in java

Clairvoyant - Manual and Automation - 3 to 6 years

Clair Voyant 1 round questions-
1. STLC explain with flow daigram

2. DLC explain with flow diagram

3. Smoke and Sanity with example

4. Regression and retesting with example

5. Priority & severity with example

6. What is test plan why it is created. Have u created test plan?

7. Suppose a defect logged for build , it is fixed for build 2. How and what will you test.

8. What will you do if a bug is intermittent and not reproducible?

9. Explain agile and how will I incorporate it with STLC

10. What types of testing you will do for a web based application

11. Have you used any non functional testing tool

12. Will you get a bug reviewed by Product manager or BA when in open stage before assigning it to developer?

13. SQL query for fetching employee with 2nd highest Salary in employee table

14. SQL query for fetching all customer names from Customers table who have ordered for Product Name "laptop". Orders table has product name n customer id(FK)
15. What are constraints in SQL

16. SQL query for finding orders with customer id having null value

17. What is better to use- nested query or JOINS. How will you decide?

18. Explain PK and FK with example

19. What are aggregate functions in SQL ? Explain with examples

20. How many locators used in Selenium Webdriver?
21. Given a web page with username & password fields, forgot password link and

Exfo - Selenium Automation - 2 to 6 Years

Selenium Automation

1) Why we used TeStNG framework/purpose
2) How to enter values in field without sendkeys

3) What is abstract class

4) What is interface

5) How write scripts for 10 username and is in TestNG

6) How to read and write excel in selenium
7) If we are not priorities test cases then at what sequence it will execute

8) What is latest selenium Version

9) Difference between keyword driven and data driven framework

10) What is hybrid framework

11) What is action class and for what purpose it will used.

Monday, 2 April 2018

LnT - Selenium Automation - 3 plus

Selenium/Java questions at L&T 1st nov 2017

1. What is the difference between list and set?
2. How will you switch to other window?
3. What is the return type of driver.findelement/driver.getwindowhandles()?
4. What is the difference between Private and Protected? 
5. How will you achieve dynamic polymorphism?
6. What is inheritance and encapsulation? 
7. Can you override static methods?
8. Can main method be overloaded?
9. What is Singleton?
10. What is collections in Java?
11. What is nested class?
12. How will you call a protected method in a nested class?
13. In a web page, how will you ensure that page has been loaded completely?
14. What is the difference between build and perform method in Actions Class?
15. What are different annotations in TestNG?
16. What is the difference between before method and before test?
17. How will you display the character count in a string "Steve Jobs" by ignoring space on between? 
18. What is a constructor and when will you use this and super in a constructor?
19. If you want to call a constructor from parent class, what will you do?
20. How will you run your tests using Data Driven Framework?
21. What are static variables and methods?
22. How will you handle Alerts in selenium?
23. How will you handle a file upload window using Selenium?
24. Can I define one class into another class?
25. What are different types of modifiers present in Java?
26. How will you make a build using Jenkins?
27. How will you install ReportNG in your project?
28. How will you control data using XML?
29. How will you display a value of a particular cell in a web table?
30. How will you handle dynamic elements using XPath?
31. What is POM?

Sunday, 25 February 2018

CTS - Automation Testing - 4 plus experience

Cognizant Selenium Automation Testing Interview Questions: 

--------- *1st Round* ---------

1) About yourself

2) Write down your project framework structure

3) What is POM.xml

4) What are the annotations in TestNG and it's sequence

5) When your @BeforeSuite will execute?

6) How to do grouping in Testng?

7) Difference between ImpliciteWait and Explicite wait.

8) Suppose one element is there, which will appear after 20 sec. We have given explicitewait of 10 sec to that element and implicitwait of 20 sec in that class, then what will happen? will it show an exception or what?

9) How to prioritize the testng classes using testng.xml? How many ways to do it?

10) Write down any test script that you are currently working in your company.

11) Difference between Abstract class and Interface

12) What are the Access specifiers in Java

13) Difference between Default and Protected

14) Write down the hierarchy of collection

15) Difference between Map and Set. Additional questions related to Map and Set

16) What are the Testing levels and in which role you are currently?

17) Do you know BDD?

--------- *2st Round* ---------

1) Given one String like "My name is ABC" and asked to reverse "ABC is name My"

2) Given 3-4 scenarios like password should accept 6-10 character, only one Alphabet, asked to write down the Regular Expression

3) How to find the broken links on the web page, asked to write it on paper

4) What is encapsulation?

5) What is Abstraction? 

6) Where did you use Abstract class in your project and why didn't you go for Interface?

7) Difference between Abstract class and Interface

8) Difference between Access specifier and Access modifier

9) Can we write only concrete methods in Abstract class? 

10) If we can write only concrete methods, why to declare it as abstract?

11) Can we have Constructor in Abstract class?