Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Expleo - Manual Tester - Experience 1 to 3 years

Expleo interview (manual Testing) – 2nd Round (technical f2f)

1. What is difference between regression and retesting?
2. Is it possible to go regression testing without new feature addition?
3. What is SDLC ? Explain it?
4. What is bug life cycle?
5. When we reject any bug? When we mark bug as deferred?
6. If your bug got fixed but introduced another bug how you will deal with it? You reopen bug or open new bug?
7. What is Agile? What is product backlog? What is sprint backlog? What is inside sprint backlog? Who create sprint backlog? When development and testing start in agile? What is need of agile and benefit over formal SDLC models? 
8. Explain your project flow?
9. How much will you rate yourself out of 5 for sql?
10. Write query to find all names which starts with "S" from employee table
11. Write query to find highest salary from employee table
12. Are you using any tool for writing test case?
13. How you report bug?
14. What is RTM?
15. When we find any bug?
16. When you execute test cases?
17. What is release?
18. If any feature is part of current release and it has bug but we still mark it as deferred in which situation?
19. What is sprint deployment? Is it necessary that sprint part must be on production environment when we deploy sprint?

Sunday, 19 January 2020

IT Companies Q- 2 to 10 years experience

Technical and Non Technical Questions  Interviews(Capgemini,CTS,L&T,Tech Mahindra,Hyundai,IDP Education,ADP,HCL, Standard Chartered and Fidelity):

1. Write code for Action class
2. Write code for positive and negative scenarios for Alerts
3. Write code for handling multiple windows
4. Find odd number
5. Disadvantages of Selenium
6. Difference between get() and navigate().to()
7. Write code to click on the Check box which is inside the Dynamic Table
8. Write code for taking Screenshot
9. Explains Maps in Java
10. Explain framework (Questions based on your framework explanation)
11. What is Pom.xml
12. Which is the correct Xpath for this code (Lot of questions on Xpath)
13. Xpath methods Ex: Starts-with & Contains
14. Syntax for Css selector
15. How to identify dynamic images
16. From a given string,seperate characters,integers and special characters and store in a seperate variables and print them 
17. Remove duplicates from arraylist
18. Print all the frame names
19. How to read from XML or CSV file and store in hashmap
20. Get value of a cell in Dynamic table
21. What is Burndown chart (Agile)
22. Print these characters from a given string and change to uppercase
23. Explain Access specifiers
24. Difference between Priority and Severity
25. Example for High Priority and Low Severity and vice versa
26. Difference between Test Strategy and Test Scenario
27. What Software Metrics you have used in your project
28. How to handle Dynamic Elements,since the webpage is designed in Angular Js
29. Implicit and Explicit Waits
30. Write code for Cross Browser Testing
31. Explain Method Overloading and Method Overriding with Example
32. What is Static Keyword
33. Dependencies in Pom.xml
34. Write code for fetching data from Excel 
35. Select this value in dropdown and hover to this element and click 
36. Assert and Verify
37. Check if a given string is Palindrome or not
38. Remove duplicate characters from a string and print
39. Which Code Repository you are using (Ex: GitHub)
40. How will you estimate the time to automate a scenario
41. How to perform Right Click 
42. In a Dynamic Table if i give 1 cell value,it should give me the values of other cells in that row
43. Have you Developed any Tool,If yes explain
44. Write code for handling Frames
45. Read from a text file and store in HashMap
46. Print the occurance of each character if it is present more than once in a given string
47. Write code for nested drop-down,You have to check all the values in the dropdown,All permutation and combination
48. Advantages of Selenium
49. How to check if a checkbox is displayed
50. If the element is not present,how will you print the Element is not present message
51. What all exceptions you have faced
52. What all difficulties you have faced in Selenium
53. What all TestNG Annotations you have used in project
54. Where will you maintain the code
55. What all Collections,you have used in your project 
56. How to run multiple test cases
57. What are Primitive and Non primitive Data Types
58. What is JDK,JRE and JVM
59. Settings.xml in Maven
60. Eliminate first and last string from array and print
61. What is Encapsulation
62. What is the use of build() and perform() in Actions
63. How you will check the actual vs expected result
64. Xpath Axes,Ex: Following
65. Automate Menu and Sub Menu and click on link in Sub Menu and navigate to the page and click on an element
66. Syntax for Alerts
67. How will you generate Reports
68. What is the execution time of your test cases
69. Print a Reverse Pyramid
70. Go to frame and click on the upload button and select the file which is in this directory
71. Difference between PUTS and POST in API
72. Read data from Excel and given that data as input for login and password and click on submit and validate the popup which says Login is successful
73. Read data from two text files and compare if they are same or not
74. Read data from an Excel file and compare the data to the web table and check whether it is same or not
75. Select multiple option from the dropdown
76. Explain Defect Lifecycle
77. How many people are working in your project,what all teams are there
78. What is your role in your project
79. How often Daily Traige Call will happen and what will be discussed
80. What all packages you have used in your project
81. How will you check Broken Links
82. Read from a text file and change that content
83. Write test scenario for Credit Cards
84. How to read Properties file
85. Which is the latest Java version and which one you have used and what are the features of that version
86. Check if the given two strings are anagram
87. What is the difference between Interface and Abstract Methods
88. Difference between BeforeSuite and BeforeMethod
89. Difference between Default and Protected
90. Write a program to divide without using division or modulus  symbol
91. String = 'AaBbCcDD' ,In that change a lowercase 'a' to uppercase
92. Hierarchy of TestNg Annotations
93. How many Sprints you have worked,how often you will get Sprints
94. How Agile Methodology works
95. Do Exceptions have priority
96. Can a try block have more than 1 catch blocks
97. Can a class be Public,Private,Protected and Default
98. How will you compare the data from database to the data in webpage 
99. Blackbox vs Whitebox Testing
100. Explain Waterfall Methodlogy
101. What is Traceability Matrix 
102. Explain STLC
103. Explain SDLC
104. What is a class
105. What is a object
106. What is a variable
107. How to clone one list and store in a new list
108. How to run a group of test cases in TestNg
109. How to include or exclude testcase in TestNg
110. How to run parallel testcase in TestNg
111. What is Selenium Grid
112. Can a Map can have a Null value
113. What all different test annotations you have used in TestNg
114. How to switch frame in Selenium
115. Difference between this and super
116. Difference between Constructor and Method
117. Difference between String Buffer and String Builder
118. Difference between List and Set 
119. How to run a test suite in different browsers
120. What is static and final
121. Difference between String and String Builder
122. How to run failed testcases in TestNg
123. Difference between Iterator and ListIterator
124. How to set proxy in Jenkins
125. Explain Maven Life Cycle
126. Explain POM 
127. What will be there in POM.xml
128. Without using Select statement,how to select dropdown
129. Difference between Sanity and Smoke Testing
130. Can a Main Method be overridden
131. What is Retrospective Meeting
132. What all methods String has