Saturday, 28 December 2019

Shivrai Technology - Automation Test Lead - Experience 8 plus

1. Tell me about yourself

2. Tell me what's is ERP system 

3. Tell me if we give you project to start from scratch automation then how you will start?

4. Tell me about challenges you faced in Automation ?

5. Challenges faced while leading a Team?

6. How you lead the team?

7. As Scrum Master what are your roles and responsibility ?

11. In case team shows less productivity then how you deal that situation ?

12. Have you travelled to client location and if yes
What challenges you faced over there?

13. Tell about more framework design?

14. While dealing with Web Application Automation why you chose Selenium and not other Automation tools in market?

15. How you deal with non reproducible defects?

16. What is CRM and Product Life Cycle?


 CEO/ VP round 

1. Tell me about yourself?

2 . Tell me about challenges you faced in Testing career so far?

3 . Where do you see yourself in next 5 years.

4. What is your long term goal with us?

5. What are your strengths and weakness?

6. How you lead the team ?

7. Why should we hire you?

8. Why you did Testing related Certificate?

9. Why you choose testing as a career?

Tuesday, 24 December 2019

FIS Global - Automation Tester - Experience 3 plus

Interview questions asked in FIS Global

Difference between quit and close?
Different types of waits?
Handling dynamic table?
Which IDE u are using?
Explain your framework?
Can we create an object of final class?
Explain Overloading and overriding.
How u access static variables?
Difference between static and non static?
How do you handle sync issues in your project?
Different types of exception?
What is stale element exception?
Explain Super keyword?
What will be the return type of overriding methods, will it be same or varies?
Is multiple inheritance possible in java,?
How do you handle popups?
Handling multiple windows
Is Alert a interface?
Explain Switching one frame to another frame?
Difference between Find Element and Find Elements

Expleo - Manual Testing - Experience 2 to 6 years

Questions asked #client round 
Tell me about yourself
Tell me technology worked with 
More focus on real time scenarios
Domain specific capital domain 
Second derivative 
Difference in between
Puzzle might asked 
Sql trigger function
Might asked project in project challenges more us faced 
Manual real time questions
Like that 
Hop that will helpfully 
Enough picture questions asked

Synechron - Automation Tester - Experience 3 to 6

- Java program - pattern
- what is abstract class
- diff between set and list
- what is static and it's used?
- method overloading
- Oops concept that used in ur framework
- windows handling selenium
- write program for use method overloading
- Assert type..

FIS - Manual Testing - Experience 3 years

Round 1
Explain your project ?
Trade life cycle
What is Limit order and set specific price for sell?
What is function of middle and back office
What is agile
What is scrum
Difference between sanity and smoke testing
How defect log in Jira
What is RTM
What is SQL, join?
How we can fetch data?
Unix command - set, cat, grep
What are the uses of cat command?
Tables(Employee and Manager) is given and fetch data from employee table by using manager table id?

USB - Automation Test - Experience 4 plus

1.What are authentic and authorisation test scenarios and test cases for login page
2. What are security testing in web applications 
3. What are diff Linux commands used your project
4. Difference between list and map 
5. Suppose I have added 2 keys and values using put method, would it be inserted in sorting order in hashmap ?
6. Is it possible to add same keys and values in map ?
7. What is private class?  Can I override the private classs ? 
8. Can I override the private class in nested class 
9. Diff between throw and throws 
10. How to handle synchronisation 
11. What are diff exceptions in selenium 
12. Why abstract class is needed when we have interface for abstraction 
13. Supppos there is a page n there are 2 buttons with same attribute values id and name how to find the 2 nd button ?
14. Suppose there are two pages and each page has 10 fields with values how to compare the two page values ?
15. When stale reference exception comes 
16. What is default wait time when not defined any waits in selenium 
17. What is multi threading in java 
18. Suppose there are two functions one function is always fails and second comes pass how to run the these two methods 
19. How to run the test case with multiple data in cucumber 
20. How to configure Jenkins using maven and git 
21. How to run the test case in Jenkins 
22. Suppose there a page with one button if click on that button new tab opens and click button on that new tab again new tab opens how to read the text for the third tab ?
23. How to handle alerts n what are the different methods available in selenium
24. Why we use action class ?
25. How to do right click on the webelemt 
26. What is the use of robot class ?
27. How to run test case for maven project 
28. What are methods available in testng 
29. What are the diff methods available in @ test method 
30. Explain about framework and architecture 
31. How to read the . Properties file
32. How asserstions work in selenium 
33. Diff between array list and linked list
34. Explain about cucumber framework 
35. Difference between method overloading and method overriding

GS Lab - Automation Test - Experience 3 plus

#GS Lab

Duration: 1 hour 

What is polymorphism?
What is difference between encapsulation and abstraction?? 
Types of constructors??
Use Super and this keywords.
What is thread ?
Explain about multi-threading?
Can we overload method by just exchanging the position arguments?
What is exceptions?
Challenges you faced in Automation?
TestNG annotations
What is dependency?
Where we can find the downloaded jars as part of maven project

Program: write a program to print Fibonacci series upto 10

I am hoping that these questions will help you.