Saturday, 26 May 2018

HCL - Manual Testing Interview Questions - 2 to 6 Years Experience

May 2018

1. Introduce yourself.

2. Tell me about your project.

3. Testing model used in your project.
Explain it.(in my case waterfall model)

4. Defect life cycle

5. Difference between validation and verification with example

6. Whats your take if the defect is rejected.

7. Write a query to remove duplicate record from table.

8. Write all the clauses in query.

9. Arrange all the clauses in ascending order.

10. Write all the aggregate functions in sql

11. Write all the constraints in sql

12. We have a table Employees having columns EmpID, EmpName, Salary, Commission.
Write a query to get the total salary of each employee.

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Infostretch - Automation Interview Questions - 2 to 6 Years experience

Infostretch 2 to 6 Years Experience

May 2018

First Round
Technical Test Interview Questions

1. Write a program  to reverse the number. Int number = 12345

2. Write a program to demonstrate right click using selenium

3. Write a program  to scroll in selenium untill an element is found

4. Write a program to demonstrate Page Factory Object model in selenium


Second Round

They have four questions set for written programming test.

*SET 2 - Questions.*

1) Palindrome String = 'MADAM'.

2) Objective Question

public static void main(String args[]){
public int fun(){
return 20;

A - 20,
B - Runtime error
*C - compilation error.*
D - None.

3) Write a code for Customized exception in java.

4) Wrt for mouse handover using action class.

5) Wrt to find total count of elements present in below page
<ul title= 'movies'>
    <li title = 'Movie title 1>
    <li title = 'Movie title 2>
  <li title = 'Movie title 50>

6) Write code for wait until element visible.

F2F Interview Questions -

1. Merge 100 xls sheet of data in one sheet

2. Explain Project framework

3. Get data from the database and use it in the script

4. Roles and responsibilities in current project

5. Challenges faced in project

6. Explain Recovery scenario

7. Explain Error handling

8. Reverse a string"this is hello world string" and print only the 1st and the last reversed word.

9. Can static variable be called in another class   inheriting the previous class

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Genesys - Automation Test Interview Questions - 2 to 4 years experience

April 2018

1. Tell me about yourself?

2. What is your role and responsibilities?

3. Which locator you used in your framework and why?

4. Relative and absolute xpath?

5. Explain about your framework?

6. What is data driven framework and explain data provider

7. Different annotations used in ur project

8. What kimd of exceptions you faced in selenium

9. What is staleelementfefernce
exception? How do handle

10. Window handling

11. Different types of wait

12. How do you put timeout for particular method

13. Where you used collections in ur project

14. 2 arrays have given, merge it and sort it and remove the duplicate

15. How to reverse a number

16. What is selenium hub and node

17. What is grid

18. How will you do cross browser testing

19. By wat node will understand the hub?

20. What is xpath axes.

IBM - Manual and Automation Interview Questions - 3 Plus experience

IBM EGL Bangalore - April 2018

Round 1 : 2 interviewer

1. Logic behind finding max and min of two numbers without writing any if else statement

2. Debugging a written code with for loop, header, attribute

3. Debugging a system where data is flowing from frotend to DB via different stages

4. SQL for join conditions.

5. Nested select statement

6. Scenario based questions to find out test condition and test cases

7. Testing techniques to be used for a migration project where requirements are not documented

8. Educational background, Career path and few questions based on situation
9. Security testing related qsn

Round 2:  1 interviewer

1. Current Project Architecture

2. Finding test scenario for a given work flow where people are getting registered for Marathon, than live marathon tracking is happening thn, results are getting published

3. Test condition for Copy paste from one server to another server.

4. Flag testing when user tried to login incorrectly 3 times

5. Roles and responsibilities

6. Testing techniques like state transition, boundary value.

7. Back end testing

8. Compatibility testing

9. Acceptance testing

10. For a particular situation what are the "xyz"  testing scenarios

Round 3. 2 interviewer

1. Career path.

2. What is your strategy to switch in every 2 yrs

3. Mobile testing on Android and iOS asked qsn related to my project

4. Difference between post and put API

5. Rest API related questions

6. How portal and mobile do communicate

7. Notification testing on a Android application. Push and inApp notification

8. Regression around push notifications

9. Fingerprint authentication for Android app

10. Scenario for mobile testing situational

Common Questions in all rounds
1. Usability of automating an application.

2. Based on what condition you will find out testcase for automation

4. Specialty in engineering

5. Any questions for us

6. Are you ready to work on any product or do you have constraint