Cognizant Selenium Automation Testing Interview Questions:
--------- *1st Round* ---------
1) About yourself
2) Write down your project framework structure
3) What is POM.xml
4) What are the annotations in TestNG and it's sequence
5) When your @BeforeSuite will execute?
6) How to do grouping in Testng?
7) Difference between ImpliciteWait and Explicite wait.
8) Suppose one element is there, which will appear after 20 sec. We have given explicitewait of 10 sec to that element and implicitwait of 20 sec in that class, then what will happen? will it show an exception or what?
9) How to prioritize the testng classes using testng.xml? How many ways to do it?
10) Write down any test script that you are currently working in your company.
11) Difference between Abstract class and Interface
12) What are the Access specifiers in Java
13) Difference between Default and Protected
14) Write down the hierarchy of collection
15) Difference between Map and Set. Additional questions related to Map and Set
16) What are the Testing levels and in which role you are currently?
17) Do you know BDD?
--------- *2st Round* ---------
1) Given one String like "My name is ABC" and asked to reverse "ABC is name My"
2) Given 3-4 scenarios like password should accept 6-10 character, only one Alphabet, asked to write down the Regular Expression
3) How to find the broken links on the web page, asked to write it on paper
4) What is encapsulation?
5) What is Abstraction?
6) Where did you use Abstract class in your project and why didn't you go for Interface?
7) Difference between Abstract class and Interface
8) Difference between Access specifier and Access modifier
9) Can we write only concrete methods in Abstract class?
10) If we can write only concrete methods, why to declare it as abstract?
11) Can we have Constructor in Abstract class?