Monday, 30 October 2017

Selenium - Multiple Companies Questions

Hexaware Walk-in Online Questions:

1.What is the method to disable cookies
2.what does submit method does?
3.Where does variable of tc's stored in Java
4.verifytextpresent method patterns
5.assert & verify difference
6.Scope of Implicit wait
7.What r the different modes of Se(Option Firefox,IE,Chrome)
8.Where selectbyvisibletext is used
9.How to get text from a page?
10.What is the method to store the alert?
11.Why relative x path is advantage then relative x path
12.method for context click
13.Find the Xpath for given HTML code to count the number of elements
15.Difference between breakpoint n start point
16.How to navigate forward in browser
17.Asserttitle returns what
18.syntax for selectbyindex

1. Select the method which clears all selected entries in selenium web driver
2. Where can u create ur own selenium commands
3. Which command is is used for typing in a text box.
4. Select command which is used to pause execution until the specified element becomes present
5. Scope of implicit wait
6. Command which is used to pause execution until page is loaded completely.
7. Select the view which shows your script in HTML format
8. Features available in IDE to debug an automated case.
9. In which approach tests can be executed with multiple sets of test data.
10. What can be used to flex/flash application using selenium.
11. How many parameters does the selenium object takes when using default selenium.
12. Difference between web driver close and quit methods.

Cognizant chennai questions
1. How do you get the text value from drop down
2. How to get all the links from the webpage do you manage reports in your framework
4. Explain abt parallel testing
5. Difference between before test and before method
6. Difference between interface and abstract class
7. What is data binding