Johnson controller interview question
1. Difference between water fall model and agile
2. Difference between retesting and regression
3. Defect verification
4. What is retrospective meeting
5 . Monkey testing and Blind testing
6. Which testing mostly performed in mobile most important factors
7. Difference between map and hash map
8. Map allowed duplicate key value
Program working or not
9. Which Colllection use in you're project
10. If you have 2 value and 2 keys in map how to insert 5 in fifth key
String s1= "ABCD";
String s2 ="abcd";
What is the output ?
12. How to concat value
13. value without + operator and without function ?
14. Project Component
15. Framework Related questions
16. How to trigger in Jenkins
17. How to create build in maven cmd
18. What is page factory method
19. Where you use polymorphism in your project
20. How to use in parallel testing using testng
21. Write a method for data provider in testng?